Past seminars

Advanced Data Visualization in Power BI by Markus Ehrenmueller

This workshop will give you hands-on experience on what Power BI Desktop (even in the free version!) has to offer for interactive reports and dashboards. Course will take place on September 10th 2021 at Hotel International, Miramarska 24, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia.

For more details please click here.

Alberto Ferrari - Advanced DAX

If you already know and use the DAX, in this precon, Alberto Ferrari will help you to move on the next level.

For more details please click here.

Database Development Best Practices

Ovaj seminar namenjen je software i database developerima i kroz praktične primere, demonstracije i interakciju sa polaznicima pokriva sledeće teme i donosi odgovore na pregršt pitanja.

For more details please click here.

Dejan Sarka - SQL Database Internals, Query Optimization, and Transactions

Even the best logical model can’t help when the physical implementation is bad. Therefore, it is important to know how SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, and partially also Azure Synapse Analytics, store data in row and columnar format and how the engines access this data. You will learn about heaps, balanced trees, and columnar indexes. In addition, this course introduces query optimization for both, transactional and analytical queries.

For more details please click here.

Embedded Analytics with Power BI by Michael Mateev

This one-day instructor-led course is for all those who embeds Power BI functionalities in organization applications or in custom solutions. Course will take place on September 18th 2020 at Hotel International, Miramarska 24, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia.

For more details please click here.

Gethyn Ellis - Leveraging Microsoft Fabric: A Strategic Guide to Building a Data-Driven Business

In today's fast-paced business environment, harnessing the power of data is crucial for driving strategic decisions and gaining a competitive edge. "Leveraging Microsoft Fabric: A Strategic Guide to Building a Data-Driven Business" is a comprehensive training day designed to equip professionals with the skills and knowledge to build robust data infrastructure using Microsoft Fabric.

For more details please click here.

Improve Power BI performance by optimizing DAX

In this precon, Alberto Ferrari will provide you with the knowledge how to improve Power BI performance by optimizing DAX.

For more details please click here.

Improve Your Database Tuning Skills by Uwe Ricken

This one-day instructor-led course provides students who manage and maintain SQL Server databases with the knowledge and skills to performance tune and optimize their databases. Course will take place on September 10th 2021 at Hotel International, Miramarska 24, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia.

For more details please click here.

Miloš Radivojević - Intelligent Query Processing in SQL Server - Lessons Learned from Production

Introduced with SQL Server 2017, further developed and significantly extended in both SQL Server 2019 and 2022, the Intelligent Query Processing (IQP) is one of the most important investments Microsoft has made in SQL Server. It contains new functionalities and enhancements that can improve the performance of existing workloads (both OLTP and OLAP) without changing the code.

For more details please click here.

Nikola Ilic & Augustin Dokoza Bukvic - PBI From Zero To Hero

Bilo da se nalazite na početku svog Power BI puta, ili želite da proniknete u dublje tajne optimalnog Power BI rešenja, ovaj workshop će vam omogućiti da za kratko vreme postanete istinski “Power BI superheroj”.

For more details please click here.

Query Engine and Execution Plans in Microsoft SQL Server

In this Precon (Level 300-400), Dean Vitner (former Microsoft Premium Field Engineer and long-time MVP) and Torsten Strauß (MVP, MCT, MSCE) will provide deep insights into the mystery of Query Optimizer and how to interpret execution plans to optimize query performance in SQL Server.

For more details please click here.

SQL Server for Developers by Miloš Radivojević

Clearly, it’s impossible to cover everything a developer needs to know about SQL Server in one one-day workshop, but this one certainly covers the most important ones. Course will take place on September 10th 2021 at Hotel International, Miramarska 24, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia.

For more details please click here.

SQL Server Performance Tuning by Torsten Strauß

This one-day instructor-led course provides students who manage and maintain SQL Server databases with the knowledge and skills to performance tune and optimize their databases. Course will take place on September 18th 2020 at Hotel International, Miramarska 24, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia.

For more details please click here.

Uwe Ricken - Analyze and Optimize SQL Server

Unlock the full potential of your SQL Server environment by mastering the art of performance analysis and optimization. If you're a database professional responsible for maintaining SQL Server databases, this workshop is your gateway to becoming a skilled performance analyst and optimizer.

For more details please click here.